domingo, 25 de mayo de 2008

p.s. i love you

i forgot, i would just like to thank all of my friends and family for all of their constant attention and emails! it definitely brightens my day to check my email and have emails from all of my roomates, family, friends, neighbors, pets... i know that this blog is long and extensive and boring and i totally don't expect people to be faithful readers of it (other than you, mom and dad, because you are the reason i am being so faithful with updating this hahaha) but i really do appreciate all of the emails and reminders of love from you all! i've even gotten 2 letters from missionary friends since being here; elders oaks and parkinson deserve prizes. it keeps me from getting homesick and gives me something to look forward to at home in alcala.

i'm almost halfway done with my wonderful time here!

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