domingo, 4 de mayo de 2008

el dia de la madre

today was mother's day in spain, and i was surprised that they do the exact same things here that are traditions in the united states: the primary kids singing "mother i love you" (madre te amo) and the giving out of gifts to all of the mothers (everyone got a potted plant). going to church in spanish was basically what i expected--a lot of really really fast-speaking sunday school teachers and people bearing their testimonies and not a lot of comprehension going on for my part. but that's okay, i'm working on it. i did realize that our senor is probably the fastest speaking man in the ward, so luckily we got put with him so we can go on not understanding him! perfecttt.

my roommate let me borrow her skype today and call home, and i tried to download it and use it but apparently my computer doesn't come with a microphone. so i'm going to go to the centro comercial tomorrow and find that electronics store and buy a headset and then i can call people! if you download skype on your computer too, we can talk for free! everyone do it okay? i'll let you know when i get a headset, it would make it so much easier to communicate with you all, we probably couldn't talk every day but more than now!

we're having a competition between the kids in our group of who can get the best picture of the worst european haircut (aka the EUROCUT competition). you may ask, what is a eurocut? anything mullet-y, mohawk-y, dreadlock-y, nasty and gross... classifies as a eurocut. for example, look at this picture. the winner of the competition wins some sort of prize.. nobody's sure what yet but it will be awesome. we've seen so so many of these hairstyles, i'm thinking about adopting it myself.

word of the day: hormiga = ant (irvine esta construido encima de muchas hormigas)

chelsea: i'm listening to newsies right. now. (rise up and seize the day!)

5 comentarios:

Chelsea Williamson dijo...

that's my cigar. you'll steal another. hey fella's we got work to do.

thank you alyse. yes everytime it comes on i cant help but put a spring in my step and snap my fingers, even on campus.

love love love.

whitney dijo...

can i join this mullet competition? i am in europe? and think i might have a chance

alyse dijo...

YES whit you are definitely in on it

carcar dijo...

oh my how fun!! and that hair cut is sicknasty!!

Frédérique Stone Carroll dijo...

HORMIGA i always wanted to know that.